

Yes, I was in labor on Labor Day. 😉 Well, not active labor, but the very beginning. I woke up at about 6:30am that Monday and had a little bloody show and some cramps. Great! I knew that it might still be awhile before birth, but I was hopeful now that pregnancy wouldn’t stretch out […]



I was a couple days past my EDD. I was feeling great and the only reasons I felt rushed to have this baby were because my mom would be going back home in less than one week and everyone I know kept asking, “When are you going to have this baby?” “Are you still pregnant??” […]



The day of Amaea’s birth I woke up the night previous w/ painful contractions. This pregnancy had been different from the start though, w/ Braxton Hicks beginning around 6 months. And for the last month I had ones that were a bit more painful, ones in my lower back. I say all this because I […]



I’m lucky enough to live less than a mile from Michele so when I went a week past my due date she started paying us special daily visits to check on me, take me for walks, bringing bananas for potassium and in general to boost my spirits. All that week I’d been in what I’d jokingly named Midwife Boot […]