Archive | birth stories


April 2015 Birth Story


Michele Fitzgerald was wonderful to have as our midwife for our first son, born at home during the first week of April, 2015. From the get-go she supplied us with a binder of information on home birth and her practice, and answered all of our questions in detail. Throughout the pregnancy she listened to our […]


VBAC story


My first son was born by C-section in May 2011 after a failed 27 hour home birth attempt. I found out I was pregnant with my second in June 2013. After considering everything in prayer and reading up on VBACs, I decided that home birth is a good option. From my research it became clear […]




I was walking through the kitchen when I felt a pretty strong contraction and a small gush of fluid. Not a Hollywood floor spattering, shoe drenching gush; just a small wet your pants kind of gush. Things moved very quickly from that point, and I might not be the best person to relay the events […]


Merry Heart


I worked with Michelle for the first time delivering my 4th child.  My first two children were born at the hospital and my third at a birthing center.  I chose Michele because she had so much experience and was better prepared for possible medical emergencies.  (Our previous birth was preterm and might have benefitted from […]




I was nine, almost ten, days past my due date, and amazingly okay with that. The pregnancy had been fairly easy, with no swelling, leg cramps, insomnia, or other typical pregnancy side-effects. I actually slept fairly well on an air mattress while camping just two days before giving birth! Even still, being so past due, […]




Jonathan’s birth story..and MINE At age 40, I had a baby in my bed. I died that same night. The day itself seemed unremarkable–steady contractions still lingering from Monday and Tuesday. Nothing a nap and a bath wouldn’t cure, I thought. But during my nap, I awoke several times with contractions that made me grip […]




Michele Fitzgerald delivered Mia and now Clara. She’s one of the most amazing people I’ve ever met. Picture a person who you’d trust implicitly with the lives of people you love amidst high frenzy and critical medical drama. Now picture that person crying with joy while she changes and dresses your daughter for the first […]




Shortly before my delivery date I was reading through a book on the Bradley Method of natural childbirth. I skimmed over one particular sentence without much thought: “It is rare to have a woman in real labor who doesn’t know she’s in real labor.” (It’s one of those sentences you realize in hindsight should have […]


James Moon


We are so very pleased to announce the birth of our son, James Moon! After a most picturesque home birth (complete with smiling mom laboring in the playpool on the back patio), we met our little man at 3:47pm on June 3rd. Weighing in at 8 lbs 4 oz, and measuring 21 inches, Baby James […]